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单树花,女, 1978年9月生,山西太谷人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2002年本科毕业于山西师范大学,2005年硕士毕业于华中农业大学植物学专业,同年进入太原师范学院生物系工作,于2014年12月在山西大学生物技术研究所获得生物化学与分子生物学的博士学位,师从李卓玉教授。2016年11月至今山西大学生物技术研究所工作。



目前已结题国家青年科学基金项目1项,省级基金项目2项,在Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Food & Function,Journal of functional foods等国内外学术期刊发表研究论文15篇左右;以第三参与人获得山西省科学技术(自然科学类)一等奖1项;指导学生获得第五届中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛银奖1项;获得全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛特等奖1项,一等奖2项,二等奖1项。


1. Shuhua Shan, Yue Xie, Huiling Zhao, Jinping Niu, Sheng Zhang, Xiaoli Zhang and Zhuoyu Li*. Bound polyphenol extracted from jujube pulp triggers mitochondria-mediated apoptosis and cell cycle arrest of HepG2 cell in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Functional Foods, 2019, 53:187-196. (SCI二区,第一作者)

2. Jiangying Shi#, Shuhua Shan#, Guofang Zhou, Hanqing Li, Guisheng Song, Zhuoyu Li*, Dongfeng Yang. Bound polyphenol from foxtail millet bran exhibits an antiproliferative activity in HT-29 cells by reprogramming miR-149-mediated aerobic glycolysis. Journal of Functional Foods. 2019,56:246-254. (SCI二区,共同第一作者)

3. Xiaoli Zhang, Shuhua Shan, Hanqing Li, Jiangying Shi, Yang Lu and Zhuoyu Li*. Cloning, expression of the truncation of recombinant peroxidase derived from millet bran and its reversal effects on 5-Fu resistance in colorectal cancer. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2019, 19:132:871-879. (SCI二区,共同第一作者)

4. Yang Lu#, Shuhua Shan#, Hanqing Li, Jiangying Shi, Xiaoli Zhang, and Zhuoyu Li*. Reversal Effects of Bound Polyphenol from Foxtail Millet Bran on Multidrug Resistance in Human HCT-8/Fu Colorectal Cancer Cell. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2018, 66(20):5190-51992. (SCI一区,共同第一作者)

5. Shuhua Shan, Jiangying Shi, Peng Yang, Bin Jia, Haili Wu, XiaoLi Zhang, Zhuoyu Li*. Apigenin restrains colon cancer cell proliferation via targetedly blocking the PKM2-dependent glycolysis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2017, 65(37):8136-8144. (SCI一区,第一作者)

6. Shuhua Shan, Jiangying Shi, Zhen Li, Huixian Gao, Tonglin Shi, Zongwei Li, Zhuoyu Li *. Targeted anti-colon cancer activities of a millet bran-derived peroxidase were mediated by elevated ROS generation. Food & Function, 2015(6), 2331-2338. (SCI一区,第一作者)

7. Shuhua Shan, Zongwei Li, Songjia Guo, Zhuoyu Li*, Tonglin Shi, Jiangying Shi. A millet bran-derived peroxidase inhibits cell migration by antagonizing STAT3-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition in human colon cancer. Journal of functional foods, 2014 (10): 444–455. (SCI二区,第一作者)

8. Shuhua Shan#, Zongwei Li#, Ian P. Newton , Chao Zhao, Zhuoyu Li*, Maolin Guo. A novel protein extracted from foxtail millet bran displays anti-carcinogenic effects in human colon cancer cells. Toxicology letters, 2014, 227: 129-138. (SCI二区,第一作者)

9. Jiangying Shi#, Shuhua Shan#, Zongwei Li, Hanqi Li, Xinfeng Li, Zhuoyu Li*. Bound polyphenol from foxtail millet bran induces apoptosis in HCT-116 cell through ROS generation. Journal of functional foods, 2015, 17, 958-968. (SCI二区,共同第一作者)


1. 李卓玉; 单树花; 武海丽; 李宗伟; 李砧, 一种谷糠抗肿瘤活性蛋白及其制备方法和应用。2014.4.9 中国,专利号:CN201210084160.X


1. 李卓玉; 李宗伟; 单树花; 李汉卿; 宋莉; 杨鹏。大肠癌治疗靶点GRP78的发现及其靶向药物的研究, 山西省科学技术奖励委员会, 自然科学, 省部一等奖, 2017.11.15

