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1. 山西省重点研发计划,新型冠状病毒全基因组变异预警性检测与筛查,2020.02-2020.06,主持,在研

2. 国家科技重大专项,宏基因组学快速感染诊断产品和传染病原分类方法开发,2018.1-2020.12,任务负责人,在研

3. 国家科技重大专项,基于海量多元大数据的突发急性传染病时空多尺度预测预警模型与应用示范的构建,2018.1-2020.12,任务负责人,在研

4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,人偏肺病毒免疫逃逸关键氨基酸位点研究,2014.1-2016.12,主持,已结题

5. 山西省软科学研究计划项目,基于促进山西省生物医药产业发展的国际前沿技术跟踪研究,2018.12-2020.12, 主持,在研



1. Li J(#)(*), Li Z, Cui X, Wu C(*). Bayesian phylodynamic inferences on the temporal evolution and global transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Journal of Infection, accepted. (第一作者兼共同通讯作者,SCI 2区,IF=5.1)

2. Zhao C#, Ge J#, Li X, Jiao R, Li Y, Quan H, Li J(*), Guo Q(*), Wang W(*). Integrated metabolome analysis reveals novel connections between maternal fecal metabolome and the neonatal blood metabolome in women with gestational diabetes mellitus. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10: 3660. (共同通讯作者,SCI 3区,IF=4.1)

3. Dong L, Han L, Duan T, Lin S, Li J(*), Liu X(*). Integrated microbiome-metabolome analysis reveals novel associations between fecal microbiota and hyperglycemia-related changes of plasma metabolome in gestational diabetes mellitus. RSC Advances, 2020, 10, 2027. (共同通讯作者,SCI 3区,IF=3.0)

4. Liang S, Hou Z, Li X, Wang J, Cai L, Zhang R, Li J(*). The fecal metabolome is associated with gestational diabetes mellitus. RSC advances, 2019, 9, 29973. (通讯作者,SCI 3区,IF=3.0)

5. Zhao C (#), Ge J(#), Jiao R, Li X, Li Y, Quan H, Xu X, Li J(*), Guo Q(*), Wang W(*). 1H-NMR based metabolomic profiling of cord blood in gestation hypothyroidism. Annals of Translational Medicine, 2020, 8(6): 296. (共同通讯作者,SCI 2区, IF=3.7)

6. Li J(#)(*), Jia X, Wang C, Wu C, Qin X(*). Altered gut metabolome contributes to depression-like behaviors in rats exposed to chronic unpredictable mild stress. Translational Psychiatry, 2019, 9: 40.(第一作者兼共同通讯作者,SCI 2区,IF=5.2)

7. Li J(#)(*), Hou L, Wang C, Jia X, Qin X(*), Wu C. Short Term Intrarectal Administration of Sodium Propionate Induces Antidepressant-Like Effects in Rats Exposed to Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2018, 9: 454.(第一作者兼共同通讯作者,SCI 2区,IF=3.1)

8. Li J(#), Hao C(#), Liu X, Qin X(*). Differential evolutionary dynamics of Enterovirus D68 from countries of different continents. Future virology, 2017, 12 (1): 29-35. (共同第一作者,SCI 4区,IF=1.1

9. Li J(#), Hao C(#), Ren L, Xiao Y, Wang J, Qin X(*). Data mining of lung microbiota in cystic fibrosis patients. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(10): e016451.(共同第一作者,SCI 3区,IF=2.8

10. Hao C(#), Hao C(#), Luo J, Li J(*). Genomic features of coxsackievirus A6 correlate with herpangina and hand, foot and mouth disease. Future Virology, 2016, 11 (4): 259-271. (通讯作者,SCI 4区,IF=1.1

11. Si Y(#), Li J(#), Niu Y(#), Liu X, Ren L, Guo L, Cheng M, Zhou H, Wang J(*), Jin Q(*), Yang W(*). Entry properties and entry inhibitors of a human H7N9 influenza virus. PLoS ONE, 2014;9(9): e107235. (共同第一作者,SCI 3区,IF=3.7)

12. Lu G(#), Li J(#), Xie Z, Liu C, Guo L, Guy V , Shen K, Wang J(*). Human Metapneumovirus Associated with Community-acquired Pneumonia in Children in Beijing, China. Journal of Medical Virology, 2013, 85 (1):138-143. (共同第一作者,SCI 4区,IF=2.4

13. Li J(#), Ren L, Guo L, Xiang Z, Paranhos-Baccalà G, Vernet G, Wang J(*). Evolutionary Dynamics Analysis of Human Metapneumovirus Subtype A2: Genetic Evidence for Its Dominant Epidemic. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(3):e34544. (第一作者,SCI 2区,IF=4.4)

14. Li J(#), Wang Z(#), Gonzale R, Xiao Y, Zhou H, Zhang J, Paranhos-Baccalà G, Vernet G, Jin Q, Wang J(*), Hung T(*). Prevalence of human metapneumovirus in adults with acute respiratory tract infection in Beijing, China. Journal of Infection, 2012, 64(1):96-103. (共同第一作者,SCI 2区,IF=3.8)


1. 侯璐文(#)、吴长新、秦雪梅、李建国(*). 肠道微生物功能宏基因组学与代谢组学关联分析分方法研究进展. 微生物学报. 2019, 58(9): 1813-1822. (通讯作者,一级主学报)

2. 贾雪洋(#),任红宇,聂旭冬,秦天(*)李建国(*). 下呼吸道感染病原体检测方法研究进展. 中国人兽共患病学报, 2019, 35(3): 263-270.(共同通讯作者,二级主学报)

3. 王翠(#),贾雪洋,侯璐文,秦雪梅,李建国(*). 基于GC-MS代谢组学研究抑郁大鼠血浆代谢物变化规律. 药学学报2018, 53(6): 980-986. (通讯作者,一级主学报)

4. 王翠(#),贾雪洋,秦雪梅,李建国(*). HPA轴亢进与2型糖尿病合并抑郁症发病机理关系的研究进展. 神经疾病与精神卫生, 2017, 17(10): 743-746. (通讯作者,核心期刊)


1. 李建国(#), 秦雪梅. 一种畜禽传染病病菌快速培养皿. 授权日期: 2017-04-20 (实用新型)

2. 李建国(#), 秦雪梅. 一种抗菌性强的药敏试剂板. 授权日期: 2017-04-20 (实用新型)

3. 李建国(#), 贾雪洋, 秦雪梅. 一种微生物电抗和电容检测装置. 授权日期: 2017-04-20 (实用新型)

4. 李建国(#), 王翠, 秦雪梅. 一种临床注射剂装置. 授权日期: 2017-03-20 (实用新型)

5. 李建国(#),王翠,秦雪梅. 一种提取黄芪多糖的装置. 授权日期:2018-07-13 (实用新型)

6. 李建国(#),侯璐文,秦雪梅. 一种青蒿素超临界萃取装置. 授权日期:2018-07-13 (实用新型)


1. 2018年度山西省“三晋英才”支持计划青年优秀人才